All Spark Cube

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General Cube Info

The All Spark Cube was built in 2012-2013 by Adaptive Computing and friends. More info is available here:

Cube Client Libraries

To interact with the All Spark Cube, you'll need a client library for your preferred programming language. There are currently cube clients for Python and Java. Skip to the relevant section for your language.

Python Client Install

  1. Install the python client library using pip. If you don't have pip installed, get it here.
    $ pip install all_spark_cube_client
    You can safely ignore the 10 or so warnings generated by pip, these are a part of the underlying Thrift library, and don't affect the cube client library.

  2. Download and run the Hello World demo:
    $ wget -O
    $ python
    The cube should update and you should see "Success..." on your command line. If you get errors instead, open the file and make sure the HOST parameter is set to the correct network address for the cube. You should also make sure the cube is turned on and reachable over the network.

Java Client Install


Cube Server Install

$ sudo yum install thrift boost supervisor
$ git clone
$ cd all_spark_cube/software
$ make
$ cd server
$ sudo make install
$ sudo reboot now

The server will automatically start on reboot / powerup.


Having trouble? Open an issue.